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Walkabout #1: San Jose, California

December 16th, 2007 |  Published in Photography  |  1 Comment

Its been rather busy lately with work and ‘pre-Christmas joys’, so I haven’t had much time to shoot lately. Well, yesterday my buddy Frederick and I took a day ‘off’ and decided to stay in the neighborhood and just get out and shoot.

Well, San Jose, California, doesn’t really have a reputation of being a very exciting city, besides the fact that its the third biggest city in California and the tenth biggest city in the US.

Nevertheless, as Frederick and I noticed yesterday, the downtown area of San Jose offers quite a few interesting photography opportunities. As they say: never judge a book by its cover….


Here some impressions from the Guadalupe River Park and Gardens area which is situated right between downtown San Jose and the HP Pavilion and here some impressions from downtown San Jose:City Hall, San Jose, CA

(click on either of the photos to get to the galleries)

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Frederick on 12.16.07 at 8:01 pm

Awesome shots Ralf. I’m going to title my photo set “San Jose Doesn’t Suck… that much”.

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