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James Nachtwey – War Photographer

December 7th, 2007 |  Published in Photography

The other night I zapped around my 5 gazillion satellite TV channels when I saw something interesting on the Documentary Channel: they were showing a documentary called “War Photographer”.I was in a pretty upbeat mood (it was a good day after all), so I wasn’t sure if I was up for a rather tough topic like this, but when I saw the captivating photos on screen I had to let go of the remote and keep watching.The show was a documentary about James Nachtwey, probably one of the best photo journalists out there .. if not the best. James NachtweyJames’ commitment and dedication to his profession just amazes me and considering the immense dangers he is facing in his job on a daily basis (and has been facing for more than 20 years), it really surprised me how calm and soft-spoken he appears. In this particular documentary you will see a lot of violence, suffering and poverty in his images, so watching this documentary might not be for everybody, but let’s face it: he is just showing us another side of the world we are living in … and if we don’t like this side, maybe we should think about doing something about it!This is probably one of the most moving and inspirational documentaries I’ve ever seen and you should certainly check it out if you get a chance. If you get the Documentary channel (I get it through Dish, so I’m not sure if its available through other satellite or cable providers), they seem to show it again on 12/29/07 9:55PM and 12/30/07 02:55AM eastern time.You might also want to watch his acceptance speech for the 2007 TED prize where James talks about the power of documentary photo journalism.

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